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“Ctrl + D” key to duplicate the object with a distance shifted away does not work


“Ctrl + D” key to duplicate the object with a distance shifted away does not work anymore in EmbroideryStudio e4.

1.) create an object, say, Input A object

2.) duplicate the object with right mouse button drag and drop

Note: it is duplicated with a certain distance shifted away.

3.) Now, try to repeat duplication with the same distance shifted away with “Ctrl + d” key

Note: it duplicates but not shift away.


It actually still works the same way in EmbroideryStudio e4. We just changed its behavior. Now, you have to get three keys for this action, “Ctrl + Shift + D”. In fact, now in EmbroideryStudio e4, you can have flexibility for shifting away or not shifting away when doing duplication with shortcut keys after duplication with right mouse button drag and drop.

1.) create an object, say, Input A object

2.) duplicate the object with right mouse button drag and drop

3.) “Ctrl + Shift + D” keys

Note: one object is duplicated with shifting away

4.) “Ctrl + D” keys

Note: one object is duplicated without shifting away

5.) “Ctrl + Shift + D” keys

Note: one object is duplicated with shifting away

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